9 Mar 2011

Hero's Wife addicted to Husband's product Amrutanjan

Hero's Wife addicted to Husband's product

Superstar Mahesh Babu redefined the term 'brand ambassador' by signing deals with many major products of India. His brand power is dominating entire South India and his heroine wife Namrata is also among the affected ones. Check it out now!

Reports say that Namrata is extensively using 'Amrutanjan' these days to avoid those 'headaches'. Things bothering her most are a real shock to the common people. Wherever, Mahesh goes to - Namrata follows is a well known thing in the industry and the attention she gets is also a noticeable one. Most of the times, Namratha is ignored due to the magnetism Mahesh Babu has both in looks or talks. Only a girl with a husband handsome than her, knows this pain of Namrata. At this point, there is nothing to do for her rather than applying a chunk of 'Amrutanjan' on her forehead

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